Meta-Genesis is the first high digital collection of Placebo digital fashion house to show in Kornit Fashion week LA.
Meta-Genesis is not a collection that tells the story of the Metaverse! It’s a collection that reflects and asks questions about the Metaverse.
The collection reflects the tension between science and religion. Telling the story about the humankind of the 21 century, changing the authority of answers from God to data.
Placebo DFH gives the viewer a glimpse into the Metaverse religion that is based on data and science. Creating prints using Kornit technology and dematerializing the fabrics and importing them into the Metaverse. Using digital nylon, canvas, twill, wool, vinyl and implementing the prints on top of the digital fabrics. Works of tailoring and draping in the digital platform results in new silhouettes that test asymmetrical shapes.
The house combines symbols and signs from religious garments and contrasts them with science prints based on DNA illustrations. The collection is genderless and sizeless- it’s for everyone!
Through the garments, the fashion house lifts relevant questions:
What is the new definition of a human touring the Metaverse? How do we utilize digital assets? And what is the place of religion in the Metaverse?
The fashion show video is a collaboration and inspired by talented people:
Music Composed and Produced: Joseph ‘E-Shine’ Mizrahi.
3D environment: Peter Favinger
Technical support: Friday lab.
Inspiration and audio: Yuval Noah Harari.

Meta-Genesis is the first high digital collection of Placebo digital fashion houses to show in Kornit Fashion week LA.
Meta-Genesis is not a collection that tells the story of the Metaverse! It’s a collection that reflects and asks questions about the Metaverse.
The collection reflects the tension between science and religion. Telling the story about the humankind of the 21 century, changing the authority of answers from God to data.
Using digital nylon, canvas, twill, wool, and vinyl and implementing the prints on top of the digital fabrics. Works of tailoring and draping in the digital platform result in new silhouettes that test asymmetrical shapes.
The collection is genderless and sizeless- it’s for everyone!
The fashion show video is a collaboration and inspired by talented people:
Music Composed and Produced:
Joseph ‘E-Shine’ Mizrahi.
3D environment: Peter Favinger.
Technical support: Friday lab.
Inspiration and audio: Yuval Noah Harari.